These are some flower photos I took recently. I posted them here in this way in an attempt to provide a visualization of how we feel because of your care, thoughts, emails, and calls.
Beloved, heartwarmed, lifted above the ordinary, stunned, humbled, surrounded by beautiful things.
Thank you.
What a beautiful post! It brought tears to my eyes!! You are SO welcome, my dear. And if you ever need more, you do NOT hesitate to say so and I'll be there, as will the others, I'm sure. We're in this together (as much as we can be from so far away!)! Love to you both!!
WOW!! Gorgeous photos!! I am so amazed, Michelle, that you are up to blogging after just having surgery. I enjoyed the photos taken at the looked so good. Hopefully, you made it home today. Do take care and we hope all goes well from here on out!! Linda L
Oh - I should have said! I made it home yesterday and am only trying to slow down enough to prevent injuring myself. I'm outside trying to do WAY too much, just because there's WAY too much to do. The horses don't stop getting across fences, the calves don't quit getting out, the dogs don't stop trying to kill coons just because I'm recently post-op and Andy is gone all night. Who trained these animals, anyway?! :)
In other words I'm feeling quite well other than some weird nagging aches, strange new muscle spasms and oddly numb areas (like the back of my right arm where they must've had to take a nerve out to get all the cancer).
Thanks again, all of you. You are dearly loved by us!
I am amazed to learn that you went home so quickly! I was still post-op on your behalf...and here you are at home and RUNNING the place!! Sheesh! Where have I been??!! I LOVE the flowers and the love that you have shared in the "spirit" of your blog!! You've been in our thoughts all week and I'm so thankful you're home, mending and getting ready to show us all what a true overcomer is!! Hugs and more love from all of us! LW
My sentiments have all been expressed in previous posts. These pictures are splendiferous to use your very own vocabulary!!
It is amazing to think of you home and doing so much already....take care of yourself girl! You remind me of one wonderful lady with the name of Marian Appleman!!! :-)
In the words of people a lot younger than I am...."You Go Girl!!!" Glad to hear you're home. Lovely flower pictures! Love, Carol
Wow, girl! You are doing more than I was all weekend and I have no reason except laziness! I couldn't wait to get back from the holiday weekend to check your blog, as I was thinking of you! I knew that I would find you doing well, because you always are. Keep up the smiling, and I will keep thinking of you! Love, Beth Ross
Your blog is beautiful and only you could look so good with the cute hat on your head...don't over do it ... need anything at all, just call, we are more than happy to help. I love your attitude! Pat
My internet just started working a couple of days ago, and I when I clicked on your blog I just felt the same way as everyone else! :)
I am so happy that you are home, and your flower pictures are beautiful. Thank you for sharing, and I hope that this morning you were able to go out and sit among your lovely flowers and just enjoy them and your view from home.
You are such an inspiration to all of us in spirit as well as mind and body.
Our hearts echo what has already been said here. You are a wonderful and amazing woman. I feel priveledged to have you close and as a friend. Thanks for you.
Love, Kathy C
Well, it's Monday now and I'm wondering how today finds you.... hope that you're enjoying doing all you do - but not overdoing it! I know, I know, you probably get tired of hearing that - and at your household right now it's probably hard not to jump right in and do what needs done, but do take it as easy as you need to!
I loved the hospital pictures of you with your hospital "team", and you did look cute in your hat!!:) The pictures of the flowers were very pretty, and the feeling we get from your post is beautiful!
Just sending hellos and hugs your way today. Don't think that just because you're done with surgery that we're not thinking of you!!:)
Love you lots!!
So glad to hear everything went well and you are back home safe and sound. The hat was very cute! Hope you can put your feet up and snuggle with those cute little cats and dogs of yours!:)
Even if I were fluent in "heart language", I wouldn't know what else there is to say!!! Because of your consistent record, we SHOULD expect an amazing "bounce-back", Hon, but we never cease to be amazed!! We're so glad you're able to do what you enjoy!
Thanks for being YOU...
Don and Jeanie
I won't repeat what others have said so well but I'm thrilled with your update! Who needs to roll a tennis ball up the wall for rehab when they can chase down horses and cows instead? Embrace your life and be careful with those incisions.
Oh my!!! You are amazing!!! :) I was so happy to check this and find you were home and "busying" around! You never cease to inspire me!! Take care of yourself ok?!!?
Love and Big HUGS!!!
Janet A.
Wonderful to see you smiling face in the hospital pictures! The flower pictures are beautiful and so is you spirit of thankfulness despite all you've been through. The lesson I got today from looking at your post is this... You've lost a part of you but you've gained so much from others and so your love has grown. Thanks for that!
Ditto, ditto, ditto!! The flower pictures are absolutely beautiful. Are you going to do a floral calendar for 09? :) We, of course, wish you didn't have to go through any of this, but since you had to - we are thrilled that you survived the hospital experience and are now at home not just slowly recuperating as most of us imagined...but are feeling good. YAY!!! I'm glad your mom takes hospital pictures - I loved those too! Love, TX Michelle
Hello there! I'm slow in commenting - but my thoughts have gone your way often! I was at Mel & Justin's when I read your comment about being out and about doing everything. I laughed when I read your comment "Who trained these animals anyway?" :) We were all feeling GLAD that you felt that good so soon!! Thanks for sharing pics of your hospital team and of the flowers - both great to see! You are surely an inspiration to all of us - sending lots of hugs & love, Mo
Well, that sure shoots sending you flowers!!! So glad you're back home...the best place to recuperate! Also so glad the doc promises to "fix" you up real fine again!! We've thought of you tirelessly and will continue to do so!! Love, Garland and Lorna
I can't add a thing, but echo the sentiments already shared!!
Love, care & healing!
Being gone on vacation a few weeks and then busy catching up once we got home, it'd been awhile since your blog was checked...and wow, how things have changed in your life yet again in that little span of time. But this one's got plenty of positiveness attached to it! Hope you heal up real fast 'cuz it sounds like nothing's keeping you down now that you're back home!! BTW, your flower photography is extraordinary...a beautiful thank-you tribute from a beautiful, thankful spirit.
love, a california friend
Nothing to add to what others have said just wanted to let you know we are thinking of you also. Hugs from WI
I wonder how many, many people, like me, read your blog, cry over your posts, gain strength from your visible courage and then never leave a comment because we don't know you.
Thanks for sharing your pictures and your journey. You've shown us an incredibly beautiful life in the middle of a very hard experience.
You and your family are in our prayers.
We have never met, but your strength, fortitude and courage to live on, and to fight with all your heart; inspite of such a difficult experience, inspires the rest of us to look for the positive, even when the only thing we can possibly see is a negative experience.
Thank you for such a lovely spirit!
You inspire all of us to keep on keeping on, and for that, we thank you from the bottom of our heart.
We will continue to keep you in our prayers.
Your friends in Colorado
I see you have lots of comments and I'll add one more. The flower pictures remind me of beautiful jewels...which is what a thankful spirit like yours is made of...Love, Bonnie
Michelle, I absolutely love your pictures and have told friends that they need to check them out. Beautiful! Glad to be hearing that you're doing well. Keep it up! Chari Martin
OK, the flowers on the blog are holding up well. Now I want to know how YOU are doing! :) I get nervous if I don't hear.
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