Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Life Update

I waited till now to update because I wanted to have some news. And now I do. I'm at chemo-land getting dose #5 (of 6) following my appointment with the doc. It never fails that I spend the night before and the morning of my appointments feeling lightheaded and panicky. I think it's due to:
  • Feeling so good and living it up like I don't have cancer - forgetting about it, even.

  • Hearing bad news often enough that a couple times of good news makes you feel like it's gotta be about time for bad news again.

But here's what he said: my heart scan was fine, so it's a go for a couple more chemo sessions. My breast cancer number came down nicely but my ovarian cancer number is up a bit (from 26 to 59). He's not concerned as he feels this number isn't as reliable as it should be. He basically blew it off which is a touch hard for me to do, but I'm working at it. He's just downright twitterpated that I do so well. He can't get over it. Makes me chuckle inside.

There's a tentative plan for surgery after chemo #6, then radiation following surgery, so now I have a bit of an idea about what's ahead. We were flying completely blind before - I thought maybe they were just playing it by ear to see how this strange, aggressive cancer was going to respond. But the best part of all this is that this treatment plan should easily work around convention and have me feeling halfway decent, besides. Wahoo! :)

...and we had this wonderful little surprise yesterday... our first one of the year!


Anonymous said...

Oh, that colt is a DARLING!!!! :) Thanks for sharing!

Traci K said...

Glad to hear the good and bad (aargh!). Sounds like you've got a good idea now of the plan though. Such a cute little colt! Love his "freckles" on his face!:)

Lainey said...

Glad to know what is happening. Of course the kids (and me too) want to know what you named the new arrival. Say hi to the rest of your crew.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I decided to come to blog land since sleeping wasn't on the agenda (even when it should be!!)! It's nice for all of us to hear your news! You do so well with all of this and it encourages us to keep cheering! :) What a fancy little fella/filly you have!! That would be VERY EXCITING! I can't wait to show the kids! :)LW

Renee said...

Oh,my! What a darling little colt!! I hope you will post lots of pictures as you get more!

Wow, Michelle, how does it feel to watch your doctor get all twitterpated about your progress? He's likely never met anyone quite as optimistic as you...your sunny dispostion is a powerful sort of medicine!! Well, I hope you aren't feeling too dumpy from the chemo, but sunshine and new babies on the ranch will cheer you and help get you through these yucky days again! Sure am thinking about you all! Tight hugs....

The J's said...

Glad to hear an update again. Stay strong! love the "life" on your blog. On going, and up-beat. smiles of encouragement :*)

Mimi/Susan said...

I've been too "discombobulated" to leave a note sooner, but was glad for the update and will be thinking of you as you face your surgery. And what a pretty baby you have!

Anonymous said...

It's been WAY too long since I have had blog time, but was thrilled to see the update since my last visit!
Don't you simply love our "blog vocabulary" ~~ twitterpated, discombobulated, arrgh, dumpy, tight hugs, etc!:-) It's great!! Well, Hon, we all get knots in our stomachs about your downers, but we are absolutely ecstatic over your nuggets of good news ~~ and those darling colts would bring a smile to our hearts on any kind of day! A BIG "HI" to Andy, too...
Don & Jeanie

Anonymous said...

Michelle, just checking in with you, it's been awhile & I've been thinking of you so much. Glad to hear that you have some great days, too! I have a very dear friend who has just been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Her abdomen was filled with tumors. They think they got them all, & they filled an ice cream bucket. They also took 4 L. of fluid out. In 3-4 weeks they wonderful chemo starts. So I've been reassuring her that good things can happen, too! Thanks for the up date & you're still in our prayers. Chari Martin (Jen's mom)